Larger 20mm guns, then 40mm guns are unlocked as well. New weapons include tracking devices (not really a weapon) and a flamethrower, rail gun, EMP launcher, IR scanner. The car features the same weapons as the original arcade game, although only the machine guns, and oil slick are available at first the smoke screen and missiles are acquired later (in this game, there are two types of missiles: unguided rockets and guided missiles). Objectives are generally to destroy things like enemy weapons, equipment and communications towers, to avoid civilian casualties, to tag things with tracking devices and so on, although some objectives that are a little different include escaping from a warehouse using a trabant within a tight time limit, escorting and protecting allied vehicles and even chasing and destroying a stolen Interceptor vehicle. Every mission must be completed within a time limit. There is a range of objectives, though the gameplay is similar on every level: the player must drive along shooting enemy vehicles, avoiding civilians and destroying set targets. Each mission, of which there are fourteen (including 2 training levels), has one primary objective and a number of secondary objectives. The game features variations of the Peter Gunn theme throughout the game, including menu screens and the main levels, as well as a variation with lyrics called "The Spy Hunter Theme" by Saliva.